
Cookie Consent

The cookie consent component informs users about the use of cookies on a site.


The cookie consent component informs users about the use of cookies on a site. This component allows users to accept or deny cookies as well as learn additional information about how a site uses cookies to track user's data.



Accordion anatomy diagram
  1. Headline
  2. Body copy
  3. CTA 
  4. Close icon


The Cookie Consent component is available in desktop, tablet, and phone breakpoints.

Use the same card type for all cards within a single card group


The Cookie Consent component spans full width on Desktop, Tablet, and Phone and is sticky on the bottom of the page.

Accordion anatomy diagram


The Cookie Consent component will persist at the bottom of the page until an action is taken, either accepting, denying, or dismissing the component. It will remain as users navigate to other pages until interacted with.