Name: Experience Fragment
Authors who can use: varies by Experience Fragment:
- Header and Footer can only be edited by site admins
- Other Experience Fragments can be created and edited by any author
Templates/page types that can use: all
Required or optional: optional
Authoring Fields
Creating an Experience Fragment
1. On the Navigation page, select Experience Fragments.
2. Find the desired page path where the Experience Fragment should be stored. Once on the desired page path, select Create --> Experience Fragment from the top right corner.
3. After selecting create, select Web Variation, and select Next from the top right corner.
a. Author the required title field.
b. Optional fields:
i. Name
ii. Description
iii. Tags
c. Click Create.
d. Once the Experience Fragment is created, a template page will open. Add the component wished to be used on the template. For example, to build out the Header, add the Header to the page.
e. Author as you would any page. You may add multiple components.
f. Publish the Experience Fragment. It is now available to be added to pages.
Adding an Experience Fragment to a page
1. To use an existing Experience Fragment, add the Experience Fragment component to the page like you would any other component.
2. With the edit wrench, open the Experience Fragment component.
3. Variation field: Use the pathfinder to navigate to Experience Fragments section where the Web Variation was created
4. The Experience Fragment now displays on the page. It can be moved around on the page or deleted. Its content cannot be edited without reentering the Experience Fragment authoring dialog.
Editing an existing Experience Fragment
1. On the Navigation page, select Experience Fragments.
2. Find the Experience Fragment to edit. Select the checkbox, then Edit from the top menu.
3. When the authoring page opens, edit as normal.
4. Publish the Experience Fragment. Changes will reflect on all pages that reference it.