Getting Started with AEM

Accessing AEM

Logging on – all users 

Sapient will grant AEM access to all users who need it, whether for authoring, editing, approving, or publishing. Please contact Sapient if team members need to be added or removed.

Once added, log on to AEM’s authoring environment using your CWOPA credentials. You do not need to be connected to the Commonwealth Wi-Fi network, or connected to VPN, to access the authoring environment.

Having trouble logging on? Try the following:

  • Use an incognito tab/private browser session.*
  • Use a different web browser.*
  • If on VPN, exit VPN; then log on.
  • Clear cookies, then log on.

If you are still experiencing trouble signing in, contact Sapient’s AEM support team.

*If you have a non-CWOPA Adobe account, Adobe may autofill with those credentials on your regular browser.

AEM environments

There are four AEM environments. CoPA personnel uses the Production environment for content authoring. Once published on Prod, content is available for the public.

  1. Development: Used by Sapient development team to build on existing AEM features. Available to CoPA testers as needed, but not CoPA content authors.
  2. Test: Used by Sapient testing team to verify that new developments are working correctly. Available to CoPA testers as needed, but not CoPA content authors.
  3. Stage: Used for UAT testing, for Search Hub testing, and by Sapient testing team to verify that new developments are working correctly. Available to CoPA testers as needed, but not CoPA content authors.
  4. Production: Used by CoPA content authors to author, edit, review, and publish site content. Available to Sapient development team as needed.