Component name: Email Subscription
Authors who can use: agencies with Email Subscription custom app configured
- Health
- OA
- PennDOT
Templates/page types that can use component: all
Required or optional: optional
Authoring Fields
Adding the Email Subscription component to the page
1. Once on the desired page in Edit mode, add the Email Subscription component by doing the following:
a. Option 1- double click on “Drag components here.” A modal titled “Insert New Component” will pop up. Type “Email Subscription Signup” in the search bar, or scroll to Email Subscription Signup in the list. Double click to add to page.
b. Option 2- on the left hand rail, navigate to the Components tab. Type “Email Subscription Signup” in the search bar, or scroll to Email Subscription Signup in the list. Double click to add to page.
Editing the Email Subscription component
- With the edit wrench, open the component.
- Newsletter Name field: Select the listserv that residents can sign up for through the component. Multiple listservs may be added.
- Dropdown Description field: If multiple listservs are added above, describe what the user is selecting (ex. "Select a County").
- Title field: Add a title to display at the top of the component.
- Heading Level dropdown: Select the H-level of the title. Title can be H2 - H6.
- Subtitle field: Add a subtitle to display below the title.
- Description field: Add a description to display above the email entry field. If multiple listservs are selected, this will display before the listserv selection dropdown.
- Helper Text field: Add helper text to display below the email entry field. Default text is "This email newsletter is in English." It may be edited or removed.
- Email Subscription Type dropdown: Select if the email type is Enterprise or Office of Administration. These email subscriptions are managed by different web applications. PSP, PennDOT, and Health should select Enterprise. OA should select Office of Administration.
Email Subscription examples
Other tips
- Learn how to trigger an email upon publication:
- Residents may only sign up for one listserv at a time. If they want to join multiple listservs, they must choose the first one, sign up, then choose the second one, sign up, etc.
- Exception: multiple OA listservs may be selected at a time. This is due to the difference in the backend systems behind OA vs. Enterprise custom applications.
- If the component has a dropdown authored, the email input box will appear after the resident has selected which listserv they are signing up for.
- Residents can only click the Subscribe arrow if they enter an email address in valid format.
- If residents do not enter valid email format, the error message "Please enter valid email address" will display.
- After entering a valid email and clicking the arrow, a call is sent to the API to add the email to the database. Once that step is complete, a green check mark icon will replace the subscribe arrow. The success message "Thank you for subscribing!" will display.