Getting Started with AEM

Saving Page Versions

While editing pages, authors may want to compare an updated page to an older version. With AEM's page versioning feature, it is possible to save different versions of a page, then see the changes side-by-side. Authors can also revert back to an older version of a page.


AEM does not save page histories automatically. To view past edits of pages, authors must save using page versioning.

Once a version is saved, authors may preview the old version, compare to the current version, or revert to the old version.

Creating a version

For details on site navigation and selecting pages to edit, go to the "Navigating AEM" guide.
  1. From the Navigation page, click on Sites. You will land on the site hierarchy page.
  2. Each site that is part of CoPA’s AEM instance appears as a folder. The site appears under the “CoPA PWP PAGov” folder. The other folders are for Sapient use only, for editing test sites and the Web Content Management site.
  3. Click the site folder to see the sections of the site, then select the appropriate language folder.
  4. Click the checkmark to the left of the page name. From the top navigation bar that appears, select Create. From the dropdown, select Version.
The sites navigator page, with a page called "Ariella Service Detail test" selected and the "Create" dropdown showing.

5. A modal called "Create Version" pops up.

a. Label field: Add a name for the version. Use the format "your name- date."

b. Comment field: Add any additional comments about the version update. If you are a Sapient designer/copywriter, please add your role (ex. Sapient Copywriter John Smith finished this page on Jan 2. Ready for agency review.).

6. Click Create.

7. On the left side tab, the timeline will display. Select Versions from the dropdown to see all past versions. The newest version is at the bottom.

The Create Version modal, with the "Label" and "Comment" fields filled.

Viewing past versions

Under the Timeline section, authors may select a version and take the following actions.

Preview- the version opens in a new tab to view.

Compare to Current- compare to current- the two versions open side-by-side, with any updates highlighted.

Revert to this Version- change the page back to an old version of the page.

The Timeline showing Versions, with the 3 options- Preview, Compare to Current, Revert to this Version.