Search Hubs

Intro to Search Hubs

Search Hubs are used to consolidate and provide an easy way for residents/end users to find content (pages, documents, assets, locations) in a filterable and searchable way. The search results are displayed in a list represented by cards. Each content type has its own card style.

Creating Search Hubs

To create a new Search Hub, agencies should submit a request via the PS Support Team. Agencies should email to to request a new Search Hub. Search Hubs take approximately a week to complete, with setup and testing. This is an estimate and based on the capacity of the teams completing the setup.

After intake, the query will be set up in Coveo to include the specific parameters to identify the collection and the filter fields i.e., document type, topic, issue date, etc.

The Search Hub will also be added to AEM so it may be configured from the Search Results component. You can then author it on a page.


Search Hubs are powered by tags, user-defined elements that mark objects for user findability. In the properties for each of the content types (documents, location cards, event cards, pages), there is a place to add tags. The tags are chosen from a specific path and hierarchy. If new tags are needed, agencies should submit a request via the PS Support Team.

Tags location – main site navigation

To navigate to the tags defined in AEM, click on the hammer in the top left corner of the main Navigation page. When the hammer icon is selected, the author will land on the Tools page. Once on the Tools page, select the Tagging section.

Tools page, with a Tagging section highlighted.

The tags will display and are built from the path to each section.

Example – The agencies are all located under the Agency tag. The tag path for Department of State would be: CoPA PWP PAGOV/Agency/Department of State .

The URL path is used when authoring each of the tags in the properties of the content types (pages, documents, or Content Fragment fields).

In the example below, "Agency" is the parent tag of Department of State and has other child tags beneath it. They will display in the tag path with a /- exactly how the site's pages work.

Tag path, with the following hierarchy highlighted: CoPA PWP PAGOV, then Agency, then Department of State. Child tags live beneath the Department of State tag.

Tagging schema

In the future, tagging schemas will be added to specific folders of pages, documents or Content Fragments to reduce the number of tags that need to be manually authored. The tagging schema can define a standard set of tags, such as document type, so that when a page, document, or Content Fragment is authored in that specific folder, the tags are added automatically.

What are my agency's Search Hubs?

Sapient maintains a document of all Search Hubs, including details on search result card type, card properties, AEM location, search result facets, and search result search. Contact Sapient for access to the document.