User Guide

Search Results Component

The Search Results component offers a number of elements. These include a search bar, filtering, sorting, the list of results, and pagination.


When a resident makes a search, they see responses displayed as Search Results Cards. Card types include: Default, Agency, Service, News, and Document. Card types vary based on the residents’ search query, as well as the author’s settings of the Search Results component of that page.


Sapient will add the Search Results component to pages. Please contact a Sapient team member for assistance in adding or editing.


Component name: Search Results

Authors who can use: Sapient only

Templates/page types that can use component: varies by page

  • Search Results: appears by default
  • Agency Content Page: optional; Sapient to add if needed

Required or optional: varies by page; see above

Authoring Fields

Adding the Search Results component to the page

Please contact Sapient before adding a Search Results component, to ensure it is configured correctly.

1.  Default Content Type dropdown: Select which Search Results Card type should display. Default All.

a. All

b. Service

c. Agency

d. News

e. Document

2. Facets multifield: Click “Add” to add facets to the component. If none are added, none will display.

a. Select the facets that need to be displayed on the page dropdown: Select which facets should display as a filter option for residents to select. Multiple facet types may be added.

i. Audience

ii. Agency

iii. Agency Category

iv. Document Topic

 v. Document Type

vi. Life Event

vii. Month

viii. Service Category

ix.  Service Type

x. Year

3. Sort Options multifield: Click “Add” to add sort options to the component. If none are added, none will display.

a. Select the Sort Options that needs to be displayed on the page dropdown: Select which sort options should display for residents to select. Multiple sort option types may be added.

i. Alphabetical

ii. Date

iii.  Relevance

4. Hide Sections checkboxes: Check the boxes to hide any of the following elements. If unchecked, all will display by default.

a. Hide Search Input Box

b. Hide Tabs

c. Hide Search Results Status

d. Hide Sort

e. Hide Pagination

f. Hide Labels

Search Result components + Cards examples

Figure A: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = All; no Facets applied; no Sort Options applied; no sections hidden. No Filter displays, as no Facets were applied. Figure A: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = All; no Facets applied; no Sort Options applied; no sections hidden. No Filter displays, as no Facets were applied.
Figure C: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = Agency; no Facets applied; Sort Options = Alphabetical; Hide Pagination applied. Sort + Filter displays as the overlay on the right. Figure C: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = Agency; no Facets applied; Sort Options = Alphabetical; Hide Pagination applied. Sort + Filter displays as the overlay on the right.
Figure B: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = All; Facets = Audience, Agency, Service Category; Sort Options = Alphabetical, Date, Relevance; no sections hidden. Filter displays on the left. Figure B: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = All; Facets = Audience, Agency, Service Category; Sort Options = Alphabetical, Date, Relevance; no sections hidden. Filter displays on the left.
Figure D: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = News; Facets = Month, Year; Sort Options = Date; Hide Search Input Box and Hide Search Results Status applied. Filter displays on the left. Figure D: Search Results component with: Default Content Type = News; Facets = Month, Year; Sort Options = Date; Hide Search Input Box and Hide Search Results Status applied. Filter displays on the left.

Coveo Search (incl. Search-related Components)

Through Coveo Search, the Search Results component offers a number of elements. These include a search bar, filtering, sorting, the list of results, and pagination. Coveo provides personalized, relevant search results for users and is often used to improve website search, customer support portals, and knowledge bases by providing fast and accurate search results.

When a resident makes a search, they see responses displayed as Search Results Cards. Card types include: Default, Agency, Service, News, and Document. Card types vary based on the residents’ search query, as well as the author’s settings of the Search Results component of that page.

Sapient will add Search Hubs to pages. Please contact a Sapient team member for assistance in adding or editing.

Overview of Component

Component name:  Coveo Search

Authors who can use: any

Templates/page types that can use component: varies by page

· Search Results

·       Agency Content Template

Required or optional: required


1. There are no specific accessibility notes for the Search Results component.

Other Tips

1. Search Results Cards are driven by the Tags given to pages and assets in the Page Properties/Asset Properties. They are not manually authored.

a. The exceptions are Location Cards, which may be used to list information about specific counties/offices/districts. They are created separately, by authoring a Location Content Fragment. There are both Adderss and Text variations, for Location Cards with a specific address vs. with general geographic-based information. Reference the Location Content Fragment guide for more info (still in development).

2. “Hide Labels” in the authoring dialog refers to the Tag pills displayed on the bottom of certain Cards.

3. If the Search Results component is added to a page with Side Navigation, the Filter pane will display on the right. When clicked, it will be an overlay on top of the component.

4. If the Search Results component is added to other pages, the Filter pane will display on the left.