Component name: Hero (Homepage Hero; Basic Hero)
Authors who can use: depends on variation
- Basic Hero: any author
- Homepage Hero: Admin only
Templates/page types that can use component: all
Required or optional: required
Authoring Fields
Adding the Hero component to the page
1. The Hero component is baked into page templates. Authors cannot add the Hero.
Editing the Basic Hero component
1. With the edit wrench, open the component.
2. Pretitle field: Add a pre-title to display above the main title.
3. Title field: Add a title to display as the headline. This is the H1 heading for the page and is mandatory.
4. Description field: Add a description to appear below the main title. The description text may be formatted with bold, italics, bullets, links, etc.
5. Enable Search checkbox: When checked, a Quick Search bar will display in the Hero. When unchecked, the option to instead add CTAs is enabled. Default unchecked.
6. Enable Image checkbox: When checked, an Image component will display in the Hero. Default unchecked.
a. To edit the Image component:
i. Exit the Hero authoring dialog.
ii. Hover over the Image component (now displayed within the Hero) until it has a blue outline. Click on the edit wrench.
iii. Edit the Image component as normal. For editing details, reference the Image component user guide.
iv. Disable lazy loading checkbox: must be checked off for Hero. All images authored via the out-of-the-box Image component are lazy loaded by default. This means that the image will be loaded at a later point in the page load process. Since the Hero is at the top, this should be disabled, so the image is always visible.
7. Image Alignment dropdown: Left, Right, Top. Default Left.
8. Call-to-actions multifield (only enabled if Search is unchecked)
a. Add button: Add a CTA.
a. Call to action Link path field: Add a link for the CTA button.
b. Call to action Link label field: Add a label for the CTA button.
c. Link Type dropdown: Select either Internal/External Link, Phone Number, Email, or SMS Message.
9. Exit the authoring dialog. With the paintbrush, open the Styles dropdown.
10. Text Alignment dropdown: Select Left or Center to align text. Default Left.
10. To edit the Hero background color, use the side toggle to open the Content Tree on the lefthand side. Click the edit wrench next to the Container that holds the Hero. This opens the Container's authoring dialog, which includes the Container Background Color option. Reference the Container user guide for more info.
Basic Hero examples
Editing the Homepage Hero
1. Follow the same guidelines as above for the Basic Hero. There are only two differences:
a. Homepage Hero only appears on the Homepage Template.
b. Homepage Hero’s Image, if enabled, is full bleed across the page – it extends to the edge of the screen, leaving no white space.
- Authoring a title is mandatory, as it provides the H1 heading on the page.
- If Search checkbox is checked, an accessibility label must be added to the Quick Search component in the Hero. Click on Quick Search, then edit wrench, then Accessibility tab. Then fill the Label field.
Other Tips
- Hero images look best at the following ratio/size: 4:3, 1200x900 px
- Use the Emulator widget to test Hero size on different devices.
- If using an image: On desktop, the image can appear on the left, right, or top. On mobile/tablet, the image is always on top.
- If an Image is enabled, text should always be aligned left.
- Background colors can be added to the Hero. Use the Container component to add this styling.
- Search Hubs: If you have the 5th step enabled, you can add the URL of a search results page in the redirection path authoring.
- Agency's All Search Hub should appear from a search bar and results are not displayed automatically.