

Color is a practical and emotional tool. It conveys personality, sets a tone, attracts attention, and indicates importance.


Use primary roles for the most prominent components across the UI, such as high-emphasis buttons, and active states.

Light Mode

rgb(0, 98, 158)

On Primary
rgb(255, 255, 255)

Primary Container
rgb(207, 229, 255)

On Primary Container
rgb(0, 29, 52)

Primary Fixed
rgb(207, 229, 255)

On Primary Fixed
rgb(0, 29, 52)

Primary Fixed Dim
rgb(154, 203, 255)

On Primary Fixed Variant
rgb(0, 74, 120)

Dark Mode

rgb(154, 203, 255)

On Primary
rgb(0, 51, 85)

Primary Container
rgb(0, 74, 120)

On Primary Container
rgb(207, 229, 255)


Use secondary color to provide more ways to accent and distinguish your product. Having a secondary color is optional, and should be applied sparingly to accent select parts of your UI.

Light Mode

rgb(82, 96, 112)

On Secondary
rgb(255, 255, 255)

Secondary Container
rgb(214, 228, 247)

On Secondary Container
rgb(15, 29, 42)

Secondary Fixed
rgb(214, 228, 247)

On Secondary Fixed
rgb(15, 29, 42)

Secondary Fixed Dim
rgb(186, 200, 218)

On Secondary Fixed Variant
rgb(58, 72, 87)

Dark Mode

rgb(186, 200, 218)

On Secondary
rgb(36, 50, 64)

Secondary Container
rgb(58, 72, 87)

On Secondary Container
rgb(214, 228, 247)


The tertiary color roles can be applied (sparingly) at the designer's discretion. They're intended to support broader color expression.

Light Mode

rgb(131, 85, 0)

On Tertiary
rgb(255, 255, 255)

Tertiary Container
rgb(255, 221, 180)

On Tertiary Container
rgb(41, 24, 0)

Tertiary Fixed
rgb(255, 221, 180)

On Tertiary Fixed
rgb(41, 24, 0)

Tertiary Fixed Dim
rgb(255, 185, 84)

On Tertiary Fixed Variant
rgb(99, 63, 0)

Dark Mode

rgb(255, 185, 84)

On Tertiary
rgb(69, 43, 0)

Tertiary Container
rgb(99, 63, 0)

On Tertiary Container
rgb(255, 221, 180)


Error is used as the color of highest importance. Elements using error must convey messaging that implies that an action is impossible, blocked, or has resulted in an error.

Light Mode

rgb(186, 26, 26)

On Error
rgb(255, 255, 255)

Error Container
rgb(255, 218, 214)

On Error Container
rgb(65, 0, 2)

Dark Mode

rgb(255, 180, 171)

On Error
rgb(105, 0, 5)

Error Container
rgb(147, 0, 10)

On Error Container
rgb(255, 218, 214)