Email Subscription Component

Email Subscription: Publishing Pages

Through the Email Subscription component, residents sign up for agency email listservs. When assets or pages associated with the listserv are published, residents receive an email with a link to the update.


This user guide explains how to publish pages that trigger emails. Follow the links below to guides on publishing assets, and on adding the Email Subscription component to a page.

Publishing pages that trigger emails

Note: Authors do not need to integrate the listserv to the correct page folder in AEM; Publicis Sapient will set it up beforehand. Please contact Sapient if any changes should be made.


  1. Log in to AEM.
  2. Once logged in, you will land on the Navigation page. Select Pages.
  3. From the Pages navigation page, select PAGov, then English, then Agencies, then the subfolder tied to the email listserv.
  4. Either create a new page, or open an existing page, under the subfolder.
  5. Add content to the Hero component. This content will be included in the email body.
  6. Add a Text component, then add content. This content will be included in the email body.
  7. Note that other components, including any additional Text components, will not be included in the email body.
  8. Publish the page.
  9. Once published, an email will be automatically emailed to all subscribers on the listserv. Subscribers can select the email's "Read More" link to open the page on AEM.

    Other tips

    • Emails are triggered in the following cases:
      • When authors create a page and publish, it will trigger.
      • When authors edit an existing page and re-publish, it will trigger again.
    • To publish pages without triggering emails, authors must delete the Page Properties configuration. It can be re-added at any time.